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Cockroach control Protection against Ants Protect from Wasps bites Bed Bugs Rodents Spiders

Pest Control


There are three main species of cockroach:

  • Oriental
  • German
  • American

Pest - German CockroachThey are robust insects with long antennae and reasonable vision. They are active, quick moving and may travel up to 50m in search of food. As they are of tropical origin they will normally live indoors (usually seen at night).

In the UK we generally get two types, Oriental and German.


The German cockroach is approximately 12-15mm in length and are a yellowish brown colour , with boxes sexes winged. They require warm, humid conditions and are good climbers.

Pest - Oriental CockroachOriental:

The Oriental cockroach is approximately 25mm in length and are a dark brown colour. Only the males will be winged. They have adapted to cooler building and some colonies may live outdoors. Within a building they will seek warm, dark harbourage.


Pest - American CockroachThe American cockroach is approximately 35mm in length and are a reddish brown colour, with a yellow margin to the thorax. The male and female are winged. They are found mainly by docks within heated buildings.



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